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    The Privacy

    Last updated: 03/12/2022

    Privacy policy for the WiiLink family of services

    Privacy Policy

    The protection and confidentiality of personal data something WiiLink takes extremely seriously. We believe in protecting the information accessed in the most secure way possible. We also believe that being transparent on how we access your data leads to a bigger sense of trust with the consumer.

    Please take your time and read through this Privacy Policy to the best of your ability to learn how we access and store your data. You will be notified through our Discord server if this document changes.

    This Privacy Policy only applies to the Demae Domino's service of WiiLink. For information on our other services, please read this. By using the Demae Domino's service, you consent to our practices stated in this document. If you do not consent, please exit this page and do not use our services. Since this service utilizes the Domino's Pizza API, you are also required to agree to their Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. In the United States that is here and in Canada it is here.

    If you do not live in the regions of the United States of America or Canada, you are not authorized to use this service. Please exit this website and do not return.

    If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to reach out to staff in our Discord server.

    What do we access?

    In order to use the Demae Domino's service, you must insert your correct personal information into the Set Personal Data channel on your Wii. This data is encrypted with AES-256-CBC, and is only ever on your Wii. Aside from this, there are other methods of data collection. Just by accessing this website, your IP address is being logged by our web server, nginx. When you purchase access to the Demae Domino's service, you enter payment information which is sent directly to Stripe, Inc. We access this data only in the following scenarios:

    • Requesting nearby restaurants from Domino's Pizza
    • Requesting the price of a basket from Domino's Pizza
    • Placing an order to Domino's Pizza
    • Purchasing access to the service on this website

    Personal Data that is accessed

    • Home Address
    • Apartment Number (If applicable)
    • Postal/Zip Code
    • City
    • Phone Number
    • Email Address
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • IP Address
    • Discord User ID
    • Wii Console ID
    • Payment Information

    WiiLink never stores any of this data except your IP Address, Discord User ID and Wii Console ID. Your IP Address is used to identify if you are from either the United States of America or Canada. It is also stored in our server logs. Your Discord User ID is used to link your Wii console to a user WiiLink can easily contact. Your Wii Console ID is stored to validate you purchased access to this channel. All other data is not stored by WiiLink, however it is sent to Domino's Pizza in your region. Please refer to the Privacy Policy in your region to see how they handle your data.

    Data Security and Transactions

    This website is secured by the latest version of the TLS protocol, TLSv1.3. Any transactions on this website is also secured by TLSv1.3 while being sent to Stripe, Inc. Your payment information is never stored by WiiLink.

    On the other-hand, the Wii only supports TLSv1.0, which is an outdated and insecure protocol. This is what the server on the Wii uses. As such the request is susceptible to MITM (Man-in-the-middle) attacks on your local network, which is when an attacker on your local network intercepts the request made by you to the server. However, this is much more secure than the alternative, no security.

    Children's Privacy

    This service is not intended for children under the age of 13. If you are under the age of 13, please exit this website and do not access this service. WiiLink does not knowingly collect data from children under the age of 13. Furthermore, if you are under the age of 13 and you are logged on to your Discord account, you are also breaking Discord Inc.'s Terms of Service found here.

    Changes to this Privacy Policy

    It is our policy to inform the consumers to any changes to this privacy policy. If there is a change, you will be notified through our Discord server or News Server. The revision date of the privacy policy is at the bottom of the page.